a zone for no one and everyone :) Btw this blog is only for adults! Dieser Blog ist nur für Erwachsene!
Firefox has included a new function for the download destination.
about:config > “browser.download.improvementstodownload_panel” set from true to false
Mozilla has a good support base
https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/ https://support.mozilla.org/de/
On the top right-hand corner of this article below one can select the version of firefox and the OS!
https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/firefox-options-preferences-and-settings https://support.mozilla.org/de/kb/firefox-einstellungen
There is even the possibility of asking the community support
And here is their bug database
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/describecomponents.cgi https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/describecomponents.cgi?product=Firefox https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?product=Firefox&component=PDF%20Viewer&resolution=---
Being able to ask powerful questions is an art. It's not easy, and it will definitively require some effort. But if you're willing to take those measures. Your efforts will pay out and you and your surrounding will be much happier
I myself have still to master this at a better level. I suppose that I'm not on the lower tier end, but I must improve. There is always space for improvement.
A good video
Further reading:
http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html https://opensource.com/life/16/10/how-ask-technical-questions https://www.dummies.com/article/business-careers-money/careers/job-searches/ten-tips-for-asking-good-questions-172698/ https://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/how-amazingly-good-asking-questions.html
Bevor die deutschsprachige Übersetzung den Sand der Zeit zum opfer fällt, kann dies irgendjemand sichern? Auf diesem Blog ist die Zeichengröße nicht ausreichen. Ich habe es versucht. :/
Well I found it very funny, and I had to save this link.
Thx Mutha :)
“[…]Who is watching you read your emails? Did you know that many companies track if you are opening their newsletters? Find out more about the practices of your favorite company here.”
F… windows, I hate windows but it can never hurt to know tech skills.
Hit up the terminal ctrl+alt+t then run this
sudo apt install -y bolt
After a reboot you should be able to use the thunderbolt settings, if this doesn't work for whatever reason enable it manually
sudo boltctl
Check out the refrences for further info
A very good article which explain a lot about his technology i.e. thunderbolt and so on.
Well there is a neat tool called
If you open the terminal with for example CTRL+alt+t or alt+f2 “xterm”
And install it on debian based systems with this
If you are on a UEFI system with systemd it always preinstalled… sorry, my fault. I always try to expand my knowledge :3
And then type
bootctl status
or as sudo, it will show it to you, ;) you're welcome
As always mho about Windows and everything regarding this Ecosphere is known, I ain't a friend of it.
But if for whatever reason you ask yourself if your hardware supports yaaw(yet another abomination from windlofs ) you can use this program.
Seriously roll eyes WhyWin11 :)
Or a macro hard tool
Further reading:
in German
Albeit there is PowerShell for *nix systems' nobody seems to have bothered to create even a simple script for Linux to test if their hardware is even capable of Windows 11, very good indeed. I like, but due to circumstances it would have been a handy tool.
With this neat tool it's possible like with winehq or playonlinux to run native macro hard software on several operating systems, thx guys :)
I wonder if this would detect the hardware, alas I don't have the money to test it :/
Mandatory, specs for Windows 11 if any person asks( in German)
Here you can find the specs in english:
If one Upgrades to Windows 11, seriously, why would one want to install Windows at all? Within 10 days, you can downgrade it.