
a zone for no one and everyone :) Btw this blog is only for adults! Dieser Blog ist nur für Erwachsene!

“Der Y PPA Manager 🇬🇧 ist eine grafische Anwendung, um den Umgang mit persönlichen Paketarchiven (“Personal Package Archive”, kurz PPA) zu erleichtern. Bei der grafischen Oberfläche kommt yad zum Einsatz, ein einfaches Dialog-System[…]”

Weiterführende Literatur und Quelle:

KISS: Keep it simple, stupid. And remember, communication is king.

When defining your audience, if they are not from the craft, avoid using technical jargon. People tend to trust clear and simple language more if they don't understand the topic.

You don't have to be a poet, but also don't be overly simplistic. Find a balance.

If you're new to this or inexperienced, remember STUSS:

Stick to the script

Remind the person you're helping that, like a doctor, you can only help them as well as they cooperate with you. Problem-solving is a joint venture between you and the other party.

Keep calm and professional

To solve a problem:

Define the problem

Collect information

Analyze the information

Eliminate irrelevant information

Propose a hypothesis

Test the hypothesis

Solve the issue

Document your findings for future reference using:

a Wiki (e.g. MediaWiki)

a Ticket system (e.g. Jira)

a Git-based system (e.g. GitLab, Gitea)

Reflect on your findings and optimize your approach

If you're new to the subject:

Learn from your peers or ask for help

Share your findings

Ask powerful questions to direct the flow of the interaction

Use reference numbers to speed up the process

Always strive to share your findings and knowledge with your peers. Remember that no one is as efficient as all of us.

Add examples or real-life scenarios to help the reader understand the concepts better.

Be mindful of the context and the audience you are communicating with. Adapt your language and approach accordingly.

Always strive to be clear, concise, and professional in your communication.

Use powerful questions to direct the flow of the interaction and gather the necessary information.

Continuously reflect on your findings and optimize your approach.

Keep your documents and records organized and easily accessible for future reference.

Collaborate with your peers, share your knowledge, and learn from others.

Remember that problem-solving is a joint venture between you and the other party. Clear communication, active listening, and mutual cooperation will lead to better results.

Here is a summary:

  1. Gather information: Collect information about the problem, including symptoms, error messages, and any recent changes made to the system.

  2. Identify the problem: Use the information gathered to identify the problem and determine its scope.

  3. Research possible solutions: Search for possible solutions to the problem, including knowledge bases, forums, and documentation.

  4. Implement a solution: Implement the solution that seems most likely to solve the problem.

  5. Test the solution: Verify that the solution has resolved the problem by testing the system and observing the results.

  6. Document the problem and solution: Document the problem, the solution implemented, and any other relevant information for future reference.

  7. Continuously review and improve the methodology: Continuously review and improve the methodology by collecting feedback from users and IT staff, and by monitoring the efficiency of the methodology over time.

It's also important to have a clear escalation process in place, as well as a clear communication with the end user, to make sure the problem is understood and to keep the end user informed about the process and the status of the issue.

For further reading:

“HateAid bietet Betroffenen digitaler Gewalt ein kostenloses Beratungsangebot und Prozesskostenfinanzierung. Menschen, die online Hass und Hetze erleben, die beleidigt, verleumdet oder bedroht werden, können sich an uns wenden. Wir helfen allen, die selbst keinen Hass verbreiten – unabhängig von Nationalität, Hautfarbe, Religion, Alter, Geschlecht, sexueller Orientierung, politischer Meinung und körperlicher Versehrtheit[…]”

“We love Freedom, just like You

We are a bunch of ordinary people who want to change the world. Discontent with the global state of mass surveillance, and seeing how it negatively impacts our lives, we decided it was time to do something about it.

We still have a long way to go. We hope you'll join the journey.”

” Take Back Control of Your Computer

Portmaster is a free and open-source application that puts you back in charge over all your computer's network connections. “

If you would like to organize your tasks and knowledge for documentation, your PhD or just for your day-to-day work, there are two nice apps for this.

Obsidian and Logseq, Logseq is a FLOSS application and I personally always prefer FLOSS to non FLOSS program, IMHO.

Here is an article which explains Obsidian

Here is a delightful video for comparison

Both apps can be use for information management via the zettelkasten method

A link for further reading

Immer mal wieder erlebe ich, dass wegen unbeabsichtigt nicht gedeckten Konten. Mitmenschen von Inkassounternehmen mit Forderungen in Bedrängnis gebracht werden. Die Wucher gleichen.

Leute, lasst euch nicht einschüchtern. Niemals etwas unterschreiben, ohne einen Anwalt oder den Verbraucherschutz zu konsultieren.

Und im Zweifel immer einen Halbwegs brauchbaren Rechtsschutz haben. Der auch diesen Aspekt abdeckt.

Falls Ihr Forderungen erhaltet, die nicht rechtens sind.

Bitte sofort(binnen zwei Wochen) via Einschreiben schriftlich widersprechen.

Den sonst könnte folgendes gelten.

Qui tacet consentire videtur

Soll heißen. Die Ignorierung gilt gleich einer Zustimmung.

Etwas ohne Grundlage von irgendwas zu fordern, ist nicht illegal. Nur Sachen annehmen, ist es. Sprich unrechtmäßige Bereicherung! Falls Ihr jedoch den wisch, von solchen Parasiten unterschreibt oder nicht reagiert wird, werdet Ihr zu den gelackmeierten gemacht!


Silvius is an open source system for writing code by voice. Speak characters and words and they are typed for you automatically. You can try it on our server, or set it up yourself[…]

Here one can find a fork e.g. silviux:

This is a very interessting on the point summary from the hated one on this topic