
a zone for no one and everyone :) Btw this blog is only for adults! Dieser Blog ist nur für Erwachsene!

To query fTPM (firmware-based TPM) from the Linux terminal, you can use the tpm2-tools package, which provides a set of command-line tools for interacting with the TPM.

Here are the steps to query fTPM from the Linux terminal:

Install the tpm2-tools package if it is not already installed on your system. You can do this by running the following command:

sudo apt-get install tpm2-tools

This command is for Ubuntu or Debian-based distributions. If you are using a different distribution, you may need to use a different package manager.

Check that your system has a TPM device by running the following command:

sudo tpm2-abrmd

This command starts the TPM Access Broker and Resource Manager daemon and checks that the TPM device is available.

Use the tpm2_getcap command to query the capabilities of your TPM. For example, to get information about the TPM algorithms, run the following command:

tpm2_getcap algorithms

This command will display a list of the supported TPM algorithms.

Use other tpm2-tools commands to query other aspects of the TPM, such as the TPM PCR (Platform Configuration Registers), keys, and certificates.

For example, to get information about the TPM PCR values, run the following command:


This command will display the current values of the TPM PCR registers.

These are just a few examples of the many commands available in the tpm2-tools package for querying fTPM from the Linux terminal. You can find more information about these commands and their usage in the tpm2-tools documentation or by running the commands with the —help option.

The Trusted Software Stack (TSS) library is a software stack that provides an interface for communicating with Trusted Platform Modules (TPMs) such as TPM 2.0. The TSS library is designed to simplify the development of software that uses TPMs for security purposes, such as firmware updates, secure boot, and encryption.

The TSS library provides a high-level programming interface that abstracts away the details of the TPM's low-level commands and data structures. This makes it easier for software developers to work with TPMs, as they don't need to understand the intricacies of the TPM's implementation. Instead, they can use the TSS library to perform common operations such as generating keys, encrypting data, and attesting to the integrity of system components.

The TSS library is typically used by software that needs to interact with TPMs at a higher level than raw TPM commands, such as operating system components, security applications, and firmware update tools. It is available as an open-source library, and there are multiple implementations of the TSS library available for different programming languages and operating systems.

The Trusted Software Stack (TSS) library is a set of software components that provide a secure foundation for cryptographic operations. It includes a number of modules, such as the Trusted Platform Module (TPM), which provides hardware-based security features, and the TCG Software Stack (TSS), which implements the TCG standards for secure computing.

As for Ubuntu 22.04, it will likely use the latest version of the TSS library to enhance its security features. This will help ensure that sensitive data and communications are protected from unauthorized access and tampering. Overall, TSS is an important component in building a more secure computing environment and protecting against cyber threats.

Here are some resources with more information on the Trusted Software Stack:

The TCG Software Stack (TSS) specification:

The Trusted Platform Module (TPM) specification:

A whitepaper on using TCG technologies for secure computing:

Additionally, you can find more information about Ubuntu 22.04 and its security features on the official Ubuntu website:

By default, Ubuntu (including version 22.04) does not provide visual feedback when typing the sudo password in the terminal. However, you can enable this feature by editing the sudo configuration file. Here's how to do it:

Open the sudo configuration file with a text editor. In Ubuntu, the file is located at /etc/sudoers. To open the file with the Nano text editor, type the following command in the terminal:

    sudo nano /etc/sudoers

Look for the following line in the file:

    Defaults        env_reset

Add the following line below it:

    Defaults        pwfeedback

The resulting lines should look like this:

    Defaults        env_reset

    Defaults        pwfeedback

Save the file and exit the text editor. In Nano, you can do this by pressing Ctrl+X, then Y, then Enter.

Test the new setting by running a sudo command in the terminal. When you are prompted to enter the password, you should see asterisks (*) or dots (•) as you type.

Note that enabling visual feedback for the sudo password can be a security risk if other people can see your screen while you are typing. Additionally, editing the sudo configuration file can be risky if done incorrectly, so make sure to double-check your changes before saving the file.

This is very handy if you have a very young or old, inexperienced or handicapped person.

AppImages sind eigenständige Anwendungen, die unter Linux ausgeführt werden können, ohne dass sie installiert werden müssen. Sie können einfach heruntergeladen und ausgeführt werden. Hier ist eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung auf Deutsch, um AppImages unter Ubuntu 22.04 zum Laufen zu bringen:

Laden Sie das gewünschte AppImage von der offiziellen Website des Entwicklers oder einer vertrauenswürdigen Quelle herunter.

Öffnen Sie das Terminal und navigieren Sie zum Ordner, in dem sich das heruntergeladene AppImage befindet.

Geben Sie den folgenden Befehl ein, um dem AppImage Ausführungsrechte zu geben:

chmod +x

Starten Sie das AppImage mit dem folgenden Befehl:


Das sollte ausreichen, um das AppImage unter Ubuntu 22.04 auszuführen. Hier sind einige Referenzlinks, die Ihnen weiterhelfen könnten:

Offizielle AppImage-Dokumentation:

Ein Artikel über die Verwendung von AppImages unter Ubuntu:

Eine Liste von verfügbaren AppImages:

Philanthrocapitalism is a concept that refers to the idea of using business and capitalist models to tackle social and environmental issues, often by wealthy individuals or corporations. While this approach may seem like a positive way to address societal challenges, there are potential dangers associated with philanthrocapitalism that could have negative implications for society as a whole.

One of the main issues with philanthrocapitalism is that it can perpetuate existing power structures and widen the gap between the rich and the poor. When wealthy individuals and corporations have the resources to take on social and environmental issues, they may prioritize their own interests and values, rather than those of the wider community. This can lead to the further concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few, rather than promoting greater equality and social justice.

Another concern with philanthrocapitalism is that it can lead to the privatization of public goods and services, further exacerbating existing inequalities. When private individuals and corporations take on the role of providing essential services like healthcare, education, and housing, they may prioritize profit over the needs of the community. This can lead to a situation where only those who can afford to pay for these services are able to access them, leaving many vulnerable and marginalized groups without access to basic necessities.

Philanthrocapitalism can also create a situation where social and environmental issues are seen as problems that can be solved through market-based solutions, rather than through systemic change. While these solutions may provide some short-term benefits, they often fail to address the root causes of the issues they seek to address. This can lead to a situation where social and environmental problems are perpetuated, rather than solved, as market-based solutions can ignore issues of power and systemic oppression that perpetuate inequality.

Furthermore, philanthrocapitalism can lead to a situation where philanthropists are seen as saviors, rather than as part of a broader collective effort to address social and environmental issues. This can create a situation where the wealthy are seen as the only ones capable of solving societal problems, rather than recognizing the role that individuals, communities, and governments can play in creating systemic change. In conclusion, while philanthrocapitalism may seem like a positive approach to tackling social and environmental issues, it can have dangerous implications for society as a whole. By perpetuating existing power structures, privatizing public goods and services, and promoting market-based solutions, philanthrocapitalism can widen the gap between the rich and the poor and ignore the root causes of social and environmental problems. It is important to recognize the limitations of philanthrocapitalism and work towards more systemic, collective solutions to create a more just and equitable society.

Are you tired of your fans going up for your videos to encode? Do you want to lower the sound emissions and get back to your work or leisure time? Look no further than hardware-accelerated video encoding with Intel QuickSync and AMD AMF.

What is Intel QuickSync?

Intel QuickSync Video (QSV) is a hardware-based video encoding and decoding technology that uses the integrated graphics processing unit (GPU) found in most modern Intel CPUs. It allows for faster video encoding times while using less CPU resources, resulting in a smoother overall experience.

What is AMD AMF?

AMD Advanced Media Framework (AMF) is a similar technology to QSV, but it is designed for use with AMD GPUs. It provides hardware-accelerated video encoding and decoding capabilities, allowing for faster video processing times and improved performance.

How can I use these technologies on Ubuntu 22.04?

To take advantage of these technologies on Ubuntu 22.04, you will need to install the appropriate drivers and software packages. Here are some reference links to help you get started:

Intel QuickSync Video on Linux AMD Advanced Media Framework on Linux

The ability to compress video content using various video codecs is becoming increasingly important in today's digital world. With the rise of online video streaming services, social media platforms, and other forms of digital content consumption, there is a growing demand for faster and more energy-efficient methods of encoding and decoding video.

One solution to this problem is hardware-accelerated video encoding, which utilizes specialized hardware components to perform the encoding process instead of relying solely on software-based solutions. Intel QuickSync and AMD AMF are two examples of such hardware-accelerated video encoding technologies that are available in modern CPUs.

Intel QuickSync is an integral part of the integrated graphics units in modern Intel Core CPUs. It is capable of compressing video content using various video codecs and is significantly more energy-efficient than encoding in software. This is because the CPU cores are almost not utilized, and the dedicated graphics card is not burdened. This setup allows each component to play to its strengths without affecting the performance of the other components.

AMD Ryzen CPUs also offer hardware-accelerated video encoding called “AMF” in their integrated graphics units. However, these integrated graphics units are not technologically on the same level as Intel QuickSync and therefore do not enjoy such broad software support.

In laptops that do not come with a dedicated graphics card, the iGPU (integrated GPU) is always available. The iGPU's video acceleration is available even when the dedicated graphics card is used for 3D apps or display output, as long as NVIDIA Optimus is not disabled.

If NVIDIA Optimus has been disabled by setting the laptop into “dGPU-only” mode, it depends on the model whether or not the iGPU is still available afterwards. Laptops with “normal” NVIDIA Optimus (MSHybrid) are completely switched off if you deactivate Optimus or switch to “dGPU” mode while those with NVIDIA Advanced Optimus (DDS) remain available even in “dGPU”-only mode.

To check if your processor's iGPU (Intel or AMD) is still listed under the category “Display adapters,” go to your Windows Device Manager. Most laptops can be configured to use the iGPU for video acceleration, but there are some exceptions such as XMG APEX 15 MAX (E20) and XMG ULTRA series until 2021 which do not connect the iGPU to the mainboard.

On Ubuntu 22.04, both Intel QuickSync and AMD AMF can be used for hardware-accelerated video encoding through various software applications such as Handbrake, ffmpeg, OBS Studio, and others.

Handbrake offers support for both Intel QuickSync and AMD AMF through its GUI-based interface while ffmpeg provides command-line access for advanced users who prefer scripting their workflows.

OBS Studio offers a powerful suite of tools for live streaming and recording gameplay footage with options for hardware-accelerated video encoding using either Intel QuickSync or AMD AMF depending on your CPU architecture.

In conclusion, hardware-accelerated video encoding technologies like Intel QuickSync and AMD AMF offer significant advantages over traditional software-based solutions when it comes to speed and energy efficiency. Whether you're a content creator looking to encode videos quickly or a gamer looking to stream high-quality gameplay footage without impacting performance, these technologies can help you achieve your goals on Ubuntu 22.04.Keywords:

Hardware-Acceleration Video Encoding Integrated Graphics Units Energy-Efficiency CPU Cores Dedicated Graphics Card Software-Based Solutions Intel QuickSync AMD AMF NVIDIA Optimus Display Adapters Handbrake Ffmpeg OBS Studio Live Streaming Gameplay Footage

Once you have installed the necessary drivers and software packages, you can start using hardware-accelerated video encoding with your favorite media player or transcoding software.

Sources happens also in windolfs

Armut und Arbeitslosigkeit sind globale Probleme, die Millionen von Menschen betreffen. In Deutschland hat jeder fünfte Bürger mit Armut oder sozialer Ausgrenzung zu kämpfen. Für viele bedeutet das auch den Bezug von Hartz IV-Leistungen, die oft mit Sanktionen verbunden sind. Doch jetzt gibt es eine innovative Lösung, die vielen Menschen in Not helfen kann – ist eine Online-Plattform, die sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, Hartz IV-Empfängern zu helfen, indem sie sie vor Sanktionen schützt und ihnen dabei hilft, ihre Rechte geltend zu machen. Die Plattform bietet kostenlose Unterstützung bei der Beantragung von Leistungen und berät Nutzer bei Problemen mit dem Jobcenter.

Ein weiteres wichtiges Feature von ist der “Konto-Check”. Dieser ermöglicht es Benutzern, ihre Kontoauszüge automatisch auf mögliche Fehler oder Unregelmäßigkeiten zu prüfen. Das ist besonders wichtig für Hartz IV-Empfänger, da das Jobcenter oft fehlerhafte Berechnungen durchführt oder Leistungen unverhältnismäßig kürzt.

Die Gründer von haben es sich zur Mission gemacht, ein Zeichen gegen Armut und Ungerechtigkeit zu setzen. Sie glauben daran, dass jeder Mensch das Recht auf ein würdevolles Leben hat und dass niemand bestraft werden sollte, weil er arm ist.

Die Plattform wird bereits von Tausenden von Menschen genutzt und hat in kurzer Zeit viel Aufmerksamkeit erhalten. Prominente wie Jan Böhmermann und Katrin Bauerfeind haben sich für ausgesprochen und ihre Unterstützung bekundet. arbeitet eng mit anderen Organisationen zusammen, um gemeinsam für soziale Gerechtigkeit einzutreten. Wenn auch du Teil dieser Bewegung sein möchtest oder einfach nur mehr über die Plattform erfahren möchtest, besuche und werde Teil einer wachsenden Community von Menschen, die für eine bessere Zukunft kämpfen.

With the increasing amount of time we spend online, it's more important than ever to prioritize cybersecurity. From social media accounts to online banking, our digital presence can be vulnerable to attacks from hackers and cybercriminals. That's where DigiResilience's latest solution, LINK, comes in.

LINK is a user-friendly tool that allows you to manage all of your online accounts in one place. With this solution, you can easily keep track of your passwords and login information for various websites and applications. This not only saves you time but also helps you stay on top of your cybersecurity by ensuring that all of your accounts have unique and secure passwords.

One of the standout features of LINK is its ability to detect any potential security breaches or compromised accounts. The solution will alert you if there are any suspicious activities detected on your accounts so that you can take immediate action to protect yourself.

In addition to its security features, LINK also offers convenience for users. You can access all of your accounts with just one click, eliminating the need to remember multiple usernames and passwords. Plus, with automatic syncing across devices, you can easily access your accounts from anywhere at any time.

Using LINK is simple and straightforward. After creating an account, you'll be able to add all of your existing accounts by simply entering their login information. You can also set up new accounts directly within the platform.

Overall, DigiResilience's LINK solution provides a comprehensive approach to protecting your digital presence. By keeping all of your online accounts in one place and providing alerts for potential security breaches or compromised accounts, this tool offers peace of mind for anyone looking to stay secure online.

If you're interested in learning more about LINK or other solutions offered by DigiResilience, visit their website at

As a journalist, you may be working on sensitive stories that could put you at risk. In such cases, having a software dead man's switch can help ensure your safety and the security of your work. A dead man's switch is essentially a system that detects when you're no longer able to check in and alerts designated contacts or takes certain actions automatically.

Step 1: Choose a reliable platform The first step is to choose a reliable platform that offers dead man's switch functionality. There are several options available, such as Guardian Project's PanicKit, and OnionShare. You should research each platform thoroughly and select the one that best suits your needs.

Guardian Project's:


Step 2: Determine what triggers the switch Next, you need to determine what will trigger the switch. For example, if you fail to log in to your computer or phone for a certain period of time or if you don't respond to an automated message within a set timeframe. It's important to choose a trigger that is unlikely to happen accidentally but is also not too difficult for you to remember.

Step 3: Set up your contacts You will need to set up your contacts who will receive notifications if the dead man's switch is triggered. These contacts should be people whom you trust and who are aware of the nature of your work. You can add their contact information into the system provided by the chosen platform.

Step 4: Customize settings Most platforms offer customization options where you can specify what happens when the dead man's switch is triggered. For example, it could send an email or text message alerting your designated contacts about your absence or even delete certain files from your computer automatically.

Step 5: Test it out Once everything is set up, it’s important to test out your dead man’s switch before relying on it in real-life situations. Make sure all triggers are working correctly and notifications are being sent as expected.

In conclusion, setting up a software dead man’s switch requires careful consideration of various factors such as choosing the right platform, selecting reliable triggers, setting up trusted contacts and customizing settings based on individual requirements. By following these steps carefully and testing out the system beforehand, journalists can ensure their safety while working on sensitive stories without worrying about potential risks associated with their work.