Want to learn some network stuff, here are some hints, this is just a draft. I'll hopefully expand this or create an entire new article in depth, when I've the time.
Packet Tracer vs GNS3 vs VIRL vs Physical Equipment (Part 1). Which is best?
Packet Tracer vs GNS3 vs VIRL vs Physical Equipment (Part 2). Cisco Packet Tracer advantages.
EVE NG Installation
XCP-NG / Xen Orchestra VS Vmware and Why We Choose It For Our Clients
There is also EVE-NG. IMHO, Cisco itself has its issues, and personally I'm not a fan of it. Maybe it was in the past the hottest sh*t but currently due to the popularity of Linux there is a whole plethora of alternatives.
Integrated Multiprotocol Network Emulator/Simulator
We developed a realistic network topology emulation / simulation framework based on the FreeBSD and Linux operating system kernel partitioned into multiple lightweight virtual nodes, which can be interconnected via kernel-level links to form arbitrarily complex network topologies.
CORE, CORE: Common Open Research Emulator
The Common Open Research Emulator (CORE) is a tool for emulating networks on one or more machines. You can connect these emulated networks to live networks. CORE consists of a GUI for drawing topologies of lightweight virtual machines, and Python modules for scripting network emulation.
What is ns-3?
ns-3 is a discrete-event network simulator, targeted primarily for research and educational use. ns-3 is free software, licensed under the GNU GPLv2 license, and is publicly available for research, development, and use.
The goal of the ns-3 project is to develop a preferred, open simulation environment for networking research: it should be aligned with the simulation needs of modern networking research and should encourage community contribution, peer review, and validation of the software…
Die Lernanwendung zu Rechnernetzen
Filius wurde entwickelt, um Unterricht zum Internet zu unterstützen. Zielgruppe sind Lernende in der Sekundarstufe allgemein bildender Schulen. Mit Filius werden Lernaktivitäten ermöglicht, die insbesondere entdeckendes Lernen unterstützen sollen.