Every Linux connoisseur flirts with the idea of their own Linux.
Me too, unfortunately not everyone has the skills to curate their “own Linux”.
I'm by no means a pro, I hope I fulfill my tasks, somehow :)
Nevertheless, I once created a Support Linux for hardware testing and Co.
Certain people have also whispered to me that some are still using the old versions.
It was called differently back then.
Out of nostalgia, I decided to curate a more recent one. Everything is still very early in the making. All very small buns! :)
And there is definitely still a lot of UX aka eye candy work to be done.
Nevertheless, in emergencies, I think you can use it to fulfill tasks.
As you will see, the whole thing is also based on Xubuntu 20.04 LTS.
Why, because it's efficient in emergencies.
Hope you have fun trying it out, feel free to give me feedback what you think about it.
And remember, I'm not a Linux god! So please don't put extremely high expectations in it.
And if you are a Linux god, you might not have to bother with it.
In the latest version, I've lifted the keyboard layout hard encoding from German. So the default layout is as in the original english again :)
New features will be added over time. Maybe someday I'll know how to beautify the UX. Or change it to look custom :D
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A new version is available 👇 05/29/2022
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I think, I might have mixed up the last two download links. The chronology should be prober again. Sorry, I'm sometimes a little bit goofy :)