
a zone for no one and everyone :) Btw this blog is only for adults! Dieser Blog ist nur für Erwachsene!

Welcome to Blur Busters UFO Motion Tests.

This screen compares multiple framerates. If using a 120Hz monitor, then 120fps is automatically added to this test (30fps vs 60fps vs 120fps) in supported browsers. Try these additional tests: Eye Tracking Demo | Video Game Panning Test | Persistence Demo | Ghosting Test | Black Frame Insertion Demo

Try more TestUFO animations in selectable list at top corner[…]

thx to BC

In BioNumbers we aim to enable you to find in one minute any useful molecular biology number that can be important for your research. BioNumbers currently attracts >3000 visitors a month from over 50 countries[…]

Generate noises on linux machines sorry here you can find an article in german

“Midjourney is an independent research lab exploring new mediums of thought and expanding the imaginative powers of the human species.

We are a small self-funded team focused on design, human infrastructure, and AI. We have 11 full-time staff and an incredible set of advisors[…]”

Furry Friend Frequency-Shaped #Cat #Purr #Noise #Generator 😻 😻 😻

“The cat's purr, without the allergy

Cuddling up with a purring cat is certainly a relaxing experience. Scientific studies have shown that cat owners have lower blood pressure and can live longer than humans who don't own pets![…]”

“The sound of a purring cat is one of the most comforting sounds available and can help soothe and calm you down when you're feeling stressed. Naturally, it's not just the sound that is important, but it's also the presence of the warm cuddly cat. Purrli tries to recreate both the sound and the presence of your very own virtual cat through a custom sound engine modelled after real purrs.[…]”

“Welcome to the most powerful brainwave entrainment generator on the web. Don't be fooled by its relatively simple user interface. This software is capable of producing the widest range of brainwave modulations available so far, such as binaural beats, isochronic tones, bilateral entrainment, modulated white noise, and more! If you are eager to start your own brain hacking experiments, the rest of this section covers the basics: the minimum you should[…]”


S0ix Selftest Tool is designed to do the initial debugging for the S2idle path CPU Package C-state and S0ix failures in Linux OS for Intel® Client platforms, it also supports the basic runtime PC10 status check[…]

A curated list of privacy & security-focused apps, software, and providers[…]

“Nala is a front-end for libapt-pkg. Specifically we interface using the python-apt api. Especially for newer users it can be hard to understand what apt is trying to do when installing or upgrading. We aim to solve this by not showing some redundant messages, formatting the packages better, and using color to show specifically what will happen with a package during install, removal, or an upgrade[…]”