Update your ventoy stick on a Debian based system to the latest version and keep your files i.e. just update to the latest version

So first we open our terminal as always CTRL+Alt+t or Alt + F2 and then search for console/terminal


Always keep in mind that no software nor hardware is perfect, mistakes and errors can happen. Therefore, please apply a backup of all your relevant files/data!

Download the latest version from here


Extract the .tar file move into the extracted folder Make this file executable Ventoy2Disk.sh

chmod +x Ventoy2Disk.sh

Then run this command lsblk

Then insert your USB Stick into your computer

Run again lsblk

Determine your block device and then run this command

sudo sh Ventoy2Disk.sh -u /dev/sdx

sdx here is your device, it could look something like this. Keep in mind you determine the device 100 % because this could delete all files on a SSD/HDD! Just saying :)

sudo sh Ventoy2Disk.sh -u /dev/sdb

You are done, cheers