Starting the journey
You want to start your Linux journey but don't have any clue where or how to get started, fear no more
Here you'll learn the ways of Linux, at least the basics for free in nearly 10 languages
If you know german you can also check out this site
Also a very good source but its not for beginners
Here you can learn about the technical internals of Linux
Here is the book version
This is an interactive map of the Linux kernel, just for fun :)
You want to start but don't know which OS suites your needs the best. Well that is also no problem
You can also get some inspiration from Distrochooser
Here is a good tutorial to create a bootable USB Stick in Windows for Ubuntu but this also should apply to most other Distributions
You can also create a multi bootable USB Stick with ventoy
Or you can also get a preinstalled Linux Notebook/PC
- NovaCustom/
- Why! Opencomputing/
Vendors who have a fairly, kinda good support for Linux
Lenovo especially ThinkPads DELL especially the XPS series HP Notebooks, not all series, do your research! Raspberry Pi devices could also be a good starting point
This is a video which explains why it would be wise to learn Linux
Don't be afraid if you have questions ask any one of us, we are nice people who love to bring other people in touch with free alternatives :)
“software is like sex: it's better when it's free…,,
– Linus Torvalds –