
a zone for no one and everyone :) Btw this blog is only for adults! Dieser Blog ist nur für Erwachsene!

Ach, was wäre die Welt ohne die Penthäuser, die großen Autos, die dicken Uhren, die allgegenwärtigen Symbole des Erfolgs! Doch schauen wir genauer hin, was verbirgt sich hinter dieser glitzernden Fassade? Ist es der Traum, der “Wolf” zu sein, oder ist es eher eine stille Verzweiflung, ein verzweifelter Versuch, nicht das “Schaf” zu sein?

In der heutigen Welt, die von den sozialen Medien beherrscht wird, sehen wir den Aufstieg des “Fake it till you make it”-Mindsets. Eine Welt, in der Maximilian und Mirko, die Protagonisten von Sebastian Hotz' “Mindset”, sich verzweifelt bemühen, die Wölfe zu sein, die sie so gerne wären. Doch sie sind keine Wölfe. Sie sind Männer, gefangen in einer Welt voller Hoffnungslosigkeit und Selbstbetrug, Männer, die mit aller Kraft versuchen, den Fängen der Realität zu entkommen.

Maximilian, der Mann hinter “Krach Consulting”, ist das perfekte Beispiel dafür. Auf Instagram präsentiert er sich als der ultimative Erfolg, mit Bildern von Penthäusern, großen Autos und dicken Uhren. Doch die Wahrheit? Das Penthouse ist nur ein Stockfoto, der Mercedes ein Leihwagen und die Uhr eine halbherzige Fälschung. Doch trotz all seiner hochstaplerischen Qualitäten, trotz seines “Fake it till you make it”-Mindsets, schläft er in seinem Büro in einem öden Gewerbegebiet auf dem Klappbett.

Und dann haben wir Mirko, der nach fast zehn Jahren im Job nicht mehr der Neue sein möchte. Inspiriert von Maximilians Instagram-Account, sehnt er sich danach, sein Leben spannender, sinnvoller, reicher zu machen. Doch was er nicht weiß, ist, dass Maximilian genauso ist wie er selbst, ein unsicherer junger Mann ohne Studienabschluss, der verzweifelt versucht, mit dem “richtigen Mindset” sein Leben zu verbessern.

Doch welchen Preis zahlen wir für diesen Traum, ein “Wolf” zu sein? Was geschieht, wenn die Fassade bricht und die Realität uns einholt? Maximilian, gefangen in seiner eigenen Illusion, trifft sich regelmäßig mit seinen “Jüngern”, verspricht ihnen den Erfolg, den er selbst so gern hätte. Dabei kann er sich kaum die Raummiete leisten, zieht sich in öffentlichen Toiletten um, um seinen Anzug zu schonen, und erlebt vor einem dieser Treffen eine Panikattacke. Er ist weit entfernt von dem Bild, das er in den sozialen Medien von sich präsentiert.

Und all dies führt uns zu einer tieferen Frage: Was bedeutet es wirklich, ein “Wolf” zu sein? Ist es, sich hinter einer Fassade zu verstecken und zu versuchen, der Realität zu entkommen? Oder ist es, die Verantwortung für unser eigenes Leben zu übernehmen, anstatt auf Traumgewinne aus Krypto-Währungen zu warten? Vielleicht ist es an der Zeit, dass wir aufhören, uns selbst zu betrügen,

und uns fragen, was wir wirklich wollen. Sind wir bereit, die harte Realität zu akzeptieren, dass der Weg zum Erfolg nicht durch die Präsentation einer gefälschten Realität in den sozialen Medien, sondern durch harte Arbeit, Durchhaltevermögen und Authentizität erreicht wird?

Die Figuren in “Mindset” mögen seltsam berühren, und es mag uns ärgern, diese fragile Männlichkeit, das Jammerige und Selbstmitleidige dieser jungen Männer zu sehen. Doch sie sind ein Spiegel unserer Gesellschaft, ein Spiegel, der uns die harte Wahrheit zeigt: dass wir in einer Welt leben, in der wir glauben, wir müssen studieren, um eine Daseinsberechtigung zu haben, dass wir in “Bullshit-Jobs” feststecken, die bis zum Punkt der Sinnlosigkeit effektiviert werden, dass wir auf Traumgewinne aus Krypto-Währungen warten, anstatt die Verantwortung für unser eigenes Leben zu übernehmen.

Doch was sagen wir diesen jungen Männern? Dass sie alt genug sind, um für sich selbst Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Dass es in Ordnung ist, ein “Schaf” zu sein, wenn das bedeutet, authentisch und ehrlich zu sich selbst und zu anderen zu sein. Dass es nicht darum geht, wie viel man hat, sondern wer man ist. Dass es nicht darum geht, ein “Wolf” zu sein, sondern darum, ein Mensch zu sein.

Und vielleicht, nur vielleicht, wenn wir aufhören, uns selbst zu betrügen, wenn wir aufhören, uns hinter dieser “Wolf”-Fassade zu verstecken, können wir beginnen, echten Erfolg zu erleben. Einen Erfolg, der nicht auf Penthäusern, großen Autos und dicken Uhren basiert, sondern auf Authentizität, Integrität und echtem menschlichem Mitgefühl.

Denn am Ende des Tages, was nützt es einem Mann, wenn er die ganze Welt gewinnt, aber seine Seele verliert?

Von den glitzernden Penthäusern bis zu den großen Autos, von den dicken Uhren bis zu den “Wölfen”, lassen Sie uns den Mut haben, die harte Wahrheit zu akzeptieren: dass es keine Abkürzung zum Erfolg gibt, dass “Fake it till you make it” nur ein hohler Slogan ist, und dass der einzige Weg zum wahren Erfolg darin besteht, authentisch zu sein, hart zu arbeiten und Verantwortung für unser eigenes Leben zu übernehmen.

Wir mögen nicht alle Wölfe sein, aber wir können alle Menschen sein. Und das ist mehr als genug.

Instagram, one of the most popular social media platforms, has an intricate and complex terms of service agreement that every user needs to accept before using the platform. However, these terms can be extremely hard to understand for the average user, let alone younger audiences who also frequent the platform. A 2017 report called “Growing Up Digital” highlighted that essentially no children understood what they agreed to when signing up for Instagram. The terms of service, spanning 17 pages with 5,000 words, can be quite overwhelming for both kids and adults alike.

A Lawyer Simplifies the Terms

To address this issue, Jenny Afia, a privacy law expert at UK-based law firm Schillings, took it upon herself to simplify Instagram's terms of service for a younger audience. This was part of the “Growing Up Digital” report, and her version of the terms was written in language that children could understand. The revised version emphasized a few crucial points:

Instagram technically lets you own your original pictures and videos, but it also reserves the right to use them and let others use them worldwide. In some cases, Instagram may even get paid for allowing others to use your content, but you won't receive any compensation. Instagram may collect, use, and share your personal information with affiliated companies. This information can include your name, email address, school, location, pictures, phone number, your likes and dislikes, where you go, who your friends are, how often you use Instagram, and even your private messages. Instagram can send you advertisements related to your interests, which it monitors. You can't stop Instagram from doing this, and it won't always be clear that you're seeing an advertisement. Instagram reserves the right to change or end its services or block your access at any time, for any reason, without prior notice. It can also delete posts and other content randomly without telling you. If this happens, Instagram will not be responsible for paying out any money, and you won't have any right to complain. Instagram can force you to give up your username for any reason. Instagram can, but doesn't have to, remove, edit, block, and/or monitor anything posted or any accounts that it thinks break any of the platform's rules. If you break the rules, you're responsible, but Instagram is not responsible if someone else breaks the law or these rules.

The Impact and Implications

This simplified version of the terms was met with surprise from users. One 13-year-old girl commented that if the terms were easier to understand, people might think twice about using the app. Interestingly, it's not just kids who struggle to understand the terms. The report revealed that only people with postgraduate levels of education could fully comprehend Instagram's terms and conditions.

Afia believes that once people are more aware of what they're giving up, they might demand better terms. However, she also points out that most users aren't aware of what's being done with their data, so there's not a lot of pushback against these practices.

What Can Parents Do?

Parents have a key role to play in educating their children about these terms. The simplified privacy policy can be a good starting point for parents to discuss what their children are consenting to when using apps like Instagram. Parents can also find out what information companies have about their children and who they're sharing it with. However, few parents take advantage of this right.

There are several resources that parents can use to help guide their children's internet use:

The UK Safer Internet Centre has a “guide to technology” for parents. Net Aware offers a guide to popular apps that children use and rates them on their privacypolicy, among other things. The American Pediatric Family Media Plan provides a tool for planning children’s online time and other activities.

Policy Recommendations

The “Growing Up Digital” report also made three policy recommendations:

Create a compulsory “digital citizenship” program for children aged 4 to 14. This program wouldn't focus on coding and algorithms, which are currently taught, but on how to protect your rights online, how to respect others' rights, and how to manage online engagement. Implement the UK’s General Data Protection Regulation by writing terms and conditions in a way that children can understand. Create a new Children's Digital Ombudsman to liaise between parents and social media companies. These are ambitious proposals, and it remains to be seen how they would be implemented in practice. However, they highlight the importance of educating both children and adults about their digital rights and the implications of accepting terms and conditions online.

Overall, the issue of understanding terms of service agreements, especially for children, is a complex one that requires multi-faceted solutions involving education, policy changes, and increased transparency from social media companies.


“Zombies, Run!” isn't your typical fitness app. By expertly blending elements of immersive audio drama, location-based gameplay, and compelling storytelling, it has revolutionized the way we perceive exercise, making it not just a chore, but an exciting adventure. This mobile game takes fitness to the next level by transforming the act of running into an exhilarating game of survival from a zombie apocalypse.

Set in the backdrop of Abel Township, a struggling outpost amidst the zombie apocalypse, you play as “Runner 5”. Your mission is to help this township survive the undead threat by running, collecting crucial items, and unraveling mysteries through the game's vivid audio narratives.

The game truly shines in its immersive audio drama. Through your headphones, the game paints a vivid, post-apocalyptic world teeming with zombies, making you the protagonist of your very own zombie survival story. The narratives are so immersive that they can make a run in the park feel like a sprint through a zombie-infested wasteland.

Another key feature that sets “Zombies, Run!” apart from other fitness apps is its location-based gameplay. It doesn't matter whether you're jogging in your neighborhood, running in a park, or walking in your living room; the game adapts to your location, allowing you to outrun zombies anywhere in the world.

What makes “Zombies, Run!” even more engaging is its use of gamification techniques. The element of being chased by zombies adds a thrill to your regular run, making the act of running feel less like a chore and more like an exciting and necessary act of survival.

The storyline of “Zombies, Run!” is another aspect that makes it stand out. Primarily penned by Naomi Alderman and her team of writers, the game also features guest contributions from renowned science fiction authors such as Margaret Atwood and Andrea Phillips, adding depth and richness to the already gripping narrative.

As you run, the game allows you to collect supplies automatically. These supplies are instrumental in building and strengthening your base, adding a strategic dimension to the game and making each run feel more rewarding.

“Zombies, Run!” has been lauded for its innovative approach to fitness, making running more enjoyable and motivating people to run more frequently. It's a testament to the power of gamification in promoting healthy habits and an example of how technology can make fitness more accessible and fun. The game is available on both iOS and Android platforms.

In the end, “Zombies, Run!” is more than just a fitness app. It's an adventure, a story, a game, and a fitness regime, all rolled into one. It takes the monotony out of running and turns it into a thrilling experience that keeps you coming back for more.


Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the grand cabaret of life, where the spotlight tonight is on a peculiar phenomenon, a potent potion of pixels and playtime, none other than TikTok, the app of endless entertainment. But hold your applause, my friends, for the enchanting performance is not what it seems. Beneath the sparkles and the sheen lies a bog of boredom, a quagmire of questionable content. They call it 'Sludge Content,' and it's about as appealing as it sounds.

Now, now, don't raise your eyebrows at me. What is this 'Sludge Content,' you ask? Picture this: You're scrolling, entranced, through an endless cavalcade of videos, each promising to be more exciting than the last. But as the hours slip by, you realize – you're not watching anything worthwhile. It's just a mishmash of mediocrity, a ceaseless stream of snippets that, despite their lack of substance, keep your fingers scrolling, your eyes glued to the screen.

Ah, the magic of Sludge Content! It doesn't have to be interesting. It doesn't have to be relevant. It just has to be there, ready to fill the void, ready to keep you hooked on the app. It's like the master magician who keeps pulling rabbits out of the hat, long after the audience has lost interest. But does he stop? Oh, no! For the show must go on!

But don't be fooled, my friends. For like every powerful potion, there's a side effect, a danger lurking in the shadows. The endless stream of Sludge Content is a siren song, luring us into a sea of overstimulation and addiction. We become entrapped in its hypnotic rhythm, lost in its deceptive dance. TikTok, the performer of the night, becomes the puppet master, pulling our strings, controlling our moves, dictating our time.

So beware, ladies and gentlemen, of the alluring allure of the Sludge Content. Don't let the dazzle of the digital divertissement deceive you. Look beyond the curtain, see the trick for what it is. Remember, the true magic of life lies not in the endless stream of Sludge, but in the meaningful moments that truly matter.

And as the curtains close on our little cabaret of caution, remember this – TikTok? Not even once! For in the realm of the Faces of TikTok, it's easy to lose oneself in the sticky morass of the Sludge.

Tread carefully, my friends. The stage is set, the lights are dimmed, and the choice is yours. Will you dance to the tune of the TikTok Sludge, or will you step out of the shadows and into the spotlight of your own life?


Clone Hero, an innovative rhythm game developed over three years, is breathing new life into the music gaming sphere. Since its latest update in November 2022, the game has opened a world of opportunities for players, allowing them to experience the excitement of classic games such as Guitar Hero and Rock Band in an immersive and modern setting.

Clone Hero's success can largely be attributed to its vibrant community, which is continuously growing. The game has become a hub for various competitive events, engaging players in community efforts to complete setlists and in-person tournaments, particularly in the New York area.

Another striking feature of Clone Hero is the option to import custom songs. This has resulted in a vast library of user-generated content, expanding the game's song range. A variety of safe sites have been recommended by players for song downloads, contributing significantly to the game's customization.

Custom Songs Central is one notable community that has been influential in Clone Hero's development. They house a group of charters, or chartographers, who consistently create custom songs, adding to the game's diverse song catalogue. Moreover, the community has several ongoing projects that offer additional songs, packs, and setlists for Clone Hero, beyond the scope of Custom Songs Central.

In a nutshell, Clone Hero is revolutionizing the rhythm game genre with its constant updates, engaged community, and customizability. It is the go-to game for music lovers and gaming enthusiasts alike, offering a unique blend of entertainment and competition.

Links for further information:

Clone Hero's latest update: Clone Hero's Twitter feed: Recommended sites for song downloads: Google Docs spreadsheets with song databases Chorus Custom Songs Central's community and charters:

Video Link

The landscape of internet privacy is constantly evolving and as technology progresses, there is an increasing demand for privacy-focused tools. The Mull browser, an open-source mobile browser available on the F-Droid store, is one such tool.

Mull is a privacy-oriented and deblobbed web browser that's based on Mozilla technology. With a focus on privacy, it employs several features from the Tor Uplift project and uses preferences from the arkenfox-user.js project. These features are designed to enhance the privacy of the user by preventing tracking and other forms of data collection that are common on the internet today.

Despite the privacy benefits offered by Mull, the browser isn't without its downsides. One of these so-called “Anti-Features” is that its upstream source code isn't entirely free, meaning that some parts of its code may not be open for the public to inspect or modify. However, it's worth noting that Mull is licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0, which allows for some degree of freedom in the use and modification of the software.

For the best user experience, it is recommended to install the Mull browser via the F-Droid client, rather than directly downloading and installing the APK file. This is because installing via the F-Droid client allows for secure downloading and update notifications.

Mull requires Android 5.0 or newer and comes with a suite of permissions that include full network access, ability to view network connections, read and write contents of shared storage, and access to location services, among others.

Mull is forked from Fenix, which is the Firefox (or more specifically, GeckoView) project for Android. It is primarily developed by DivestOS, who also develops other privacy-conscious applications and the unofficial fork of LineageOS by the same name. One of the standout features of the Mull browser is that it eliminates many proprietary blobs (read: closed-source source code) from its own source code. This is achieved using a script developed by Relan.

For the best privacy protection, it's highly recommended to install the uBlock Origin extension. uBlock Origin is a staple in the privacy community; it blocks wide-spectrum trackers, ads, and additional tracking methods on a webpage without compromising your privacy on its end.


When we consider the realm of Android-based operating systems, two names that often come up are DivestOS and LineageOS. Both operating systems offer unique advantages and have distinct focuses. However, understanding the core differences between them can help users make an informed choice about which system best aligns with their needs.

What is DivestOS?

DivestOS is a free operating system based on the Android mobile platform. It's essentially a soft fork of LineageOS and has a specific focus on enhancing user security and privacy while also supporting older devices. The operating system removes as many proprietary Android components as possible, striving to include only free software. It's also important to note that DivestOS builds are signed with release keys, allowing bootloaders to be re-locked on many devices.

DivestOS offers a wide array of key features:

Monthly security updates for all supported devices, and an automated patch checker for Linux kernel security issues. Support for bootloader relocking, which has been tested and found to work on several devices.

The inclusion of the Mulch hardened Chromium WebView, which provides enhanced security features and can be updated independently of the system image.

A powerful tracker blocker that blocks over 900,000 advertising and tracking servers, increasing the privacy level for users. A privacy-oriented browser (Mull), based on Mozilla technology, hardened against fingerprinting techniques thanks to the Tor uplift project and arkenfox-user.js project.

A focus on Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS). Inclusion of F-Droid, an app catalog specializing in the delivery of FOSS apps.

Additional tools like a free space eraser (Extirpater) and an open-source real-time malware scanner (Hypatia) for Android. What is LineageOS?

LineageOS is also an Android-based operating system, designed for smartphones, tablet computers, and set-top boxes. It primarily consists of free and open-source software and is known as the successor to CyanogenMod, which was discontinued in December 2016.

Key Difference

While both DivestOS and LineageOS are based on Android and include free and open-source software, their focuses diverge significantly in terms of security and privacy.

DivestOS' main objective is to maximize user privacy and security, with features like tracker blocking and malware scanning. The operating system also removes as many proprietary Android components as possible, and the bootloader can be re-locked on many devices.

In contrast, LineageOS, while also offering open-source software, doesn't have as much emphasis on these security features. This can potentially introduce additional attack surfaces, particularly through breaking verified boot and userdebug builds.

In terms of privacy, DivestOS takes a stand against using microG, a lightweight implementation of Google Play Services. The argument is that using microG still communicates with Google's servers and can compromise user privacy. On the other hand, LineageOS doesn't have this strict stance against microG.

In conclusion, the choice between DivestOS and LineageOS depends on your specific needs. If privacy and security are your top priorities, DivestOS might be a better choice. On the other hand, LineageOS might be suitable if you're looking for an open-source Android-based OS with a broader device support.


Wikipedia. (2023). DivestOS. Retrieved from Wikipedia. (2023). LineageOS. Retrieved from Reddit. (2023). DivestOS vs LineageOS vs /e/. Retrieved from DivestOS Mobile. (2023). Home. Retrieved from

Volla is a company that focuses on giving users control over their digital life, particularly in terms of their data and time spent in the digital world. Their primary product is the Volla Phone, the most recent model of which is the Volla Phone X23. The company aims to offer a smartphone that prioritizes privacy and simplicity, with a streamlined user interface and an emphasis on security.

The Volla Phone X23

The Volla Phone X23 is a ruggedized smartphone meeting military standard MIL-STD-810H. It's IP68 dust and waterproof, with a replaceable battery, ensuring durability and resilience in various conditions. The phone includes an optional Volla OS and Ubuntu Touch, enabling users to decide their preferred operating system. The phone also has a 48 MP + 8 MP wide-angle main camera, an illuminated ring around the camera for notifications, 6 + 128 GB of internal storage (expandable by 1TB SD card), and an extra button for additional functions​​.

Volla OS: A New Kind of Operating System

The Volla OS is a minimalistic operating system with an innovative concept. Its features include the Springboard, a smart text field that allows users to start calls, send messages, and more. It also includes Collections, a feature grouping your most recently exchanged text and picture messages and your latest news, among other things. One of the standout features of the Volla OS 12 is its speech recognition. Using open-source artificial intelligence, users can speak to their smartphone to write messages and notes or invoke commands, all with no connection to the cloud for privacy protection​.

Volla OS is based on a free Android without Google and play services and without dependence on a cloud. It replaces basic apps like those for phone calls and the address book with curated apps that are also open source. The system also includes optional VPN for additional privacy protection​​.

Ubuntu Touch: An Alternative Mobile Linux

For those interested in a different approach, Volla also offers Ubuntu Touch, a puristic mobile Linux solution. This OS features a sidebar for quick access to important apps, compartments for open apps, and a terminal for full control and freedom​.

Multi-Boot Function

One unique feature of the Volla Phone 22 with Volla OS is its pre-installed Multi Boot function. This feature allows users to install additional operating systems on a memory card, enabling them to select Ubuntu Touch for startup, for instance. This is ideal for separating private and business use or for trying out something new​​.

Community and Delivery Update

Volla recognizes the importance of a community in creating alternatives to market-leading systems. Their community includes young and established companies, foundations, and individual users​.

As of June 2, 2023, Volla has completed mass production of the first batch of Volla Phone X23s, covering all pre-orders. They expect to dispatch these phones worldwide via their logistics center in Wuppertal, Germany, within the next week​​.

Final Thoughts

Volla stands out in its commitment to user freedom, both in terms of data privacy and time spent in the digital world. The Volla Phone X23, with its robust features and security focus, is a notable example of this commitment. Whether through its Volla OS or the alternative Ubuntu Touch, users can enjoy a unique, privacy-centered smartphone experience.

For more information, please visit the official Volla website:

Griot Fête

The richness of African culture is expansive and diverse, with the griot embodying a significant part of this cultural tradition. The griot, also known as a jeli or jali in some West African cultures, is a crucial part of the social fabric, carrying out a unique role in society that is as old as the societies themselves.

What is a Griot?

The griot is a traditional storyteller, oral historian, singer, musician, and advisor in West African societies. This role is often hereditary, passed down through generations in specific families. The term griot is French, derived from the Portuguese 'criado,' which means servant. The local terms jeli or jali translate to “blood” in the Manding language, signifying the deep connection that these individuals have with their communities and histories.

The Role and Responsibilities of a Griot

The responsibilities of a griot are manifold and deeply interwoven with the fabric of society. The griot acts as a living archive, preserving and recounting the histories, genealogies, and legends of their people. This preservation is not only of the past but also the present, as the griot continually updates the cultural record with contemporary events and narratives.

The griot is also a musician and a performer. Using instruments such as the kora (a 21-string lute-bridge-harp) or the balafon (a kind of wooden xylophone), griots provide musical accompaniment to their narratives, enhancing the emotional impact and memorability of their tales.

Moreover, the griot plays a crucial role as a social mediator. They may deliver praise or criticism, offer advice, and serve as an intermediary in disputes. In essence, the griot is a vital link between the past, present, and future, serving as the community's memory and conscience.

The Importance of the Griot

In societies where oral tradition is the primary means of preserving history and communicating wisdom, the role of the griot cannot be overstated. The griot is not only a preserver of history but also a creator of social cohesion and a guide for moral conduct.

Through their tales, the griot fosters a shared sense of identity and continuity among the community, bridging the gap between generations and reinforcing the collective memory. The narratives they share serve as moral compasses, providing lessons on cultural values and acceptable behavior.

The griot also holds an important place in community events and ceremonies. Their performances are not just entertainment, but a way of marking and celebrating life's milestones and communal events.

The Griot in Modern Times

The griot tradition continues to evolve in the modern world. Today, griots use radio, television, and digital media to reach their audiences. The transition to these platforms has allowed them to continue their role as cultural custodians while adapting to the changing times.

In conclusion, the griot is a central figure in West African societies, serving as a living testament to the power of oral tradition. They are storytellers, historians, musicians, advisors, and cultural ambassadors, performing a role that is as essential today as it was in the past. Their stories and songs continue to resonate, reminding us of the enduring importance of heritage, community, and the shared human experience.

Further reading:


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Panic attacks can be overwhelming and distressing experiences that affect individuals both physically and emotionally. However, there are effective techniques that can help calm the body and mind during a panic attack. In this blog post, we will explore two valuable resources that provide insights into managing panic attacks. The first link, from the CFPSych blog, offers guidance on how to calm yourself during a panic attack. The second link, from Verywell Health, highlights a specific breathing exercise for panic attacks. Together, these resources shed light on the importance of self-regulation and breathing techniques in reducing the intensity and duration of panic attacks.

Link 1: “How to Calm Yourself During a Panic Attack” – CFPSych Blog The CFPSych blog provides practical advice on managing panic attacks. The main theme of this resource is the importance of self-awareness and self-regulation during a panic attack. Here are some key insights:

Recognizing the Signs: The article emphasizes the significance of recognizing the physical and cognitive signs of a panic attack. By understanding the symptoms, individuals can validate their experience and gain a sense of control.

Grounding Techniques: The blog suggests various grounding techniques to redirect attention away from the panic attack. These techniques include focusing on the environment, engaging the senses, and using positive self-talk.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation: The article introduces progressive muscle relaxation as a helpful technique for reducing anxiety during a panic attack. By systematically tensing and relaxing different muscle groups, individuals can release tension and promote relaxation.

Overall, the CFPSych blog article emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, grounding techniques, and progressive muscle relaxation as strategies to calm oneself during a panic attack.

Link 2: “Breathing Exercise for Panic Attack” – Verywell Health The Verywell Health article focuses specifically on a breathing exercise that can alleviate the symptoms of a panic attack. Here are the key highlights:

Diaphragmatic Breathing: The article introduces diaphragmatic breathing as a powerful tool for managing panic attacks. This breathing technique involves deep, slow breaths that engage the diaphragm, leading to a decrease in the heart rate and overall relaxation.

Step-by-Step Instructions: The resource provides a step-by-step guide to practicing diaphragmatic breathing during a panic attack. It offers clear instructions on posture, breath count, and exhaling techniques to maximize the calming effects.

Incorporating Breath Awareness: The article emphasizes the importance of cultivating breath awareness throughout daily life to better prepare for managing panic attacks. Regular practice of diaphragmatic breathing outside of panic attack episodes can help individuals build resilience and reduce anxiety levels.

By focusing on diaphragmatic breathing and its practical application, the Verywell Health article highlights the significance of breath control as a means of calming oneself during a panic attack.

Conclusion: Managing panic attacks requires a multi-faceted approach that combines self-awareness, grounding techniques, and specific strategies like diaphragmatic breathing. The CFPSych blog article offers valuable insights into self-regulation techniques and progressive muscle relaxation, emphasizing the importance of understanding the signs and redirecting attention during a panic attack. On the other hand, the Verywell Health article delves into the effectiveness of diaphragmatic breathing in reducing anxiety and provides a step-by-step breathing exercise to practice during panic attacks. Both resources underscore the significance of breath control and self-regulation techniques in managing panic attacks effectively.

By incorporating these techniques into daily life and during moments of distress, individuals can cultivate a greater sense of control and resilience in the face of panic attacks. It is important to note that while these techniques can be helpful, seeking professional help and guidance from mental health experts is crucial for comprehensive support and treatment for panic attacks.

Link 1:

Link 2: