
a zone for no one and everyone :) Btw this blog is only for adults! Dieser Blog ist nur für Erwachsene!

All credit for this mentioned method goes to Chubin^1 and the^2 project

Hi folks here I'll show you one of the best cheat sheets if you for example forgot how to use tar, like in the picture below tar what?

You can just type cht tar in your terminal.

So to get this working we have to do the following, just install curl. I'll provide the steps for the most used Linux Distributions.

sudo apt install -y curl       #Debian and Debian based systems
sudo zypper install -y curl #OpenSUSE/SUSE
sudo dnf install -y curl       #Fedora
sudo pacman -S curl           #Arch Linux

After that you go to your home folder just type cd in most distris it will instantly teleport you to your home folder. You can tpye pwd to see where you are, ideally it should print out something like this.


The $USERNAME is the named path of your User. For example if you named it to penguin the output looks like


There you'll find your .bashrc file now you can append this function with the editor of your choice

nano .bashrc or
vim .bashrc or whatever you use, you can also use a graphical one

gedit .bashrc or
mousepad -H .bashrc

Then you go to the bottom of the file and append this function

function cht() {

Then you save your .bashrc

Close and open your terminal or type this

source .bashrc

And then you can look up the most used commands

You can even look up the basic programming structures of some languages

cht python/:learn

Or even rfc's :)

cht rfc/1234

Cheers :)

Tracing is a useful technique to find bugs in software, and ftrace is the tracing framework built into the Linux kernel.

But before we start talking about ftrace, let’s define what tracing is…

Source and further reading


The Linux CSPRNG (cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator) is one of the most used source of randomness. Its soundness is thus of critical importance for applications using cryptography, such as SSH, web servers or VPN servers. However, the CSPRNG's official documentation might be a bit difficult to digest. This blog article documents its inner workings, focusing on the most important points, so that anyone can easily assess whether the generator meets their requirements and which of its interfaces should be used...

source and further reading

Linux is not a secure operating system. However, there are steps you can take to improve it. This guide aims to explain how to harden Linux as much as possible for security and privacy. This guide attempts to be distribution-agnostic and is not tied to any specific one...

You want to start your Linux journey but don't have any clue where or how to get started, fear no more

Here you'll learn the ways of Linux, at least the basics for free in nearly 10 languages

If you know german you can also check out this site

Also a very good source but its not for beginners

Here you can learn about the technical internals of Linux

Here is the book version

This is an interactive map of the Linux kernel, just for fun :)

You want to start but don't know which OS suites your needs the best. Well that is also no problem

You can also get some inspiration from Distrochooser

Here is a good tutorial to create a bootable USB Stick in Windows for Ubuntu but this also should apply to most other Distributions

You can also create a multi bootable USB Stick with ventoy

Or you can also get a preinstalled Linux Notebook/PC

Vendors who have a fairly, kinda good support for Linux

Lenovo especially ThinkPads DELL especially the XPS series HP Notebooks, not all series, do your research! Raspberry Pi devices could also be a good starting point

This is a video which explains why it would be wise to learn Linux

Don't be afraid if you have questions ask any one of us, we are nice people who love to bring other people in touch with free alternatives :)

“software is like sex: it's better when it's free…,,

– Linus Torvalds –

Laptop with Linux

Go for freedom, safety, reliability and happiness, choose Open Source!

Their review in the Dutch Linux magazine: