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this is in german.


Here you can find the english explanation from good ol wikipedia


Depending on your hardware this can vary cause somne hardware vendors do their own thang :)

Hold Alt and Print keep them holdede. Then while still holding Alt and Print press one after another R + E + I + S + U + B here you can find two mnemonis

Raising Elephants Is So Utterly Boring Reboot Even If System Utterly Broken

Not all Magic keys are enabled by default, check out this article for further reading in English

Alt + Print + O shuts your PC/Laptop down. Alt + Print + K can be used as a substitute for donotzap i.e., CTRL+ALT+Backspace

I'm not a fan of IBM, but knowledge is knowledge.


bleachbit imagemagick peek gdebi build-essential dkms needrestart vlc vim exiftools snapd youtube-dl simplescreenrecorder transmission zbar-tools brasero ffmpeg mencoder lame handbrake handbrake-cli  rar unrar unrar-free p7zip-rar 
file-roller p7zip-full lrzip ncompress sharutils lzop lhasa jlha-utils arj unace  gparted curl speedtest speedtest-cli pinta ubuntu-restricted-extras git pavucontrol xchm kdeenlive flameshot cheese wget xkcdpass calibre webcamoid terminator

Bleachbit is a system cleaner that frees disk space and maintains privacy. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the same package and can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install bleachbit

ImageMagick is a software suite to create, edit, and compose bitmap images. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the same package and can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install imagemagick

Peek is a simple screen recorder with an easy to use interface. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the package “gtk-recordmydesktop” which can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install gtk-recordmydesktop

Gdebi is a simple tool to install deb files. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the same package and can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install gdebi

Build-essential is a package that includes essential build tools for compiling and building software from source. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the same package and can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install build-essential

Dkms is a package that allows dynamic kernel module support, which allows you to add or remove modules without rebuilding the entire kernel. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the same package and can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install dkms

Needrestart is a tool that checks which processes need to be restarted after library upgrades. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the same package and can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install needrestart

VLC is a popular media player that can play a wide range of video and audio formats. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the same package and can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install vlc

Vim is a highly configurable text editor for efficiently creating and changing any kind of text. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the same package and can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install vim

Exiftools is a command-line application to read, write and edit meta information of image, audio and video files. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the same package and can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install exiftools

Snapd is a package that allows you to install and manage software packages called snaps. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the same package and can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install snapd

Youtube-dl is a command-line tool to download videos from and a few more sites. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the same package and can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install youtube-dl

Simplescreenrecorder is a feature-rich screen recorder that supports X11 and OpenGL. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the package “gtk-recordmydesktop” which can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install gtk-recordmydesktop

Transmission is a fast and easy-to-use BitTorrent client. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the same package and can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install transmission

Zbar-tools is a package that includes command-line tools for reading barcodes from images or video streams. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the same package and can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install zbar-tools

Brasero is a disc-burning software for the GNOME desktop environment. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the same package and can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install brasero

Ffmpeg is a command-line tool for converting multimedia files. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the same package and can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

Mencoder is a command-line tool for converting and editing multimedia files. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the same package and can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install mencoder

Lame is a command-line tool for encoding audio files. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the same package and can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install lame”

Handbrake is a tool for converting video files from various formats to other formats. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the same package and can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install handbrake”

Rar and unrar are command-line tools for creating and extracting RAR archive files. Their equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the package “rar” and “unrar” respectively, which can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install rar unrar

P7zip-rar is a command-line tool for creating and extracting RAR archive files using the 7-zip format. Its equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the package “p7zip-rar” which can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install p7zip-rar

File-roller is a tool for creating and extracting archive files. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the same package and can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install file-roller

P7zip-full is a package that provides the 7z command-line tool for creating and extracting 7z archive files. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the same package and can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install p7zip-full

Lrzip is a command-line tool for compressing and decompressing files. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the same package and can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install lrzip

Ncompress is a command-line tool for compressing and decompressing files. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the same package and can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install ncompress

Sharutils is a package that includes command-line tools for creating and extracting shell archive files. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the same package and can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install sharutils

Lzop is a command-line tool for compressing and decompressing files using the LZO algorithm. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the same package and can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install lzop

Lhasa is a command-line tool for extracting files from LHA archive files. Its equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the package “lhasa” which can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install lhasa

Jlha-utils is a package that includes command-line tools for creating and extracting LHA archive files. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the package “jlha-utils” which can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install jlha-utils

Arj is a command-line tool for creating and extracting ARJ archive files. Its equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the package “arj” which can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install arj

Unace is a command-line tool for extracting ACE archive files

Gparted is a graphical tool for managing disk partitions. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the same package and can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install gparted

Curl is a command-line tool for transferring data using various protocols. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the same package and can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install curl

Speedtest and speedtest-cli are tools to test internet connection speed and quality. They are equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the same package and can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install speedtest” and “sudo apt-get install speedtest-cli” respectively

Pinta is a simple image editing tool. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the same package and can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install pinta

Ubuntu-restricted-extras is a package that includes additional software that is not included by default in Ubuntu, such as Adobe Flash, Microsoft fonts, and codecs. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the same package and can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras

Git is a distributed version control system. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the same package and can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install git

Pavucontrol is a simple sound management tool. It's equivalent in Ubuntu 22.04 is the same package and can be installed by running “sudo apt-get install pavucontrol


You can use the -map_metadata option in ffmpeg to strip metadata from a video. The basic syntax is as follows:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -map_metadata -1 -c copy output.mp4

This will copy all the streams from the input file to the output file while stripping all metadata. Another way is to use -map_metadata 0 this will copy all the streams from the input file to the output file while stripping all metadata except the global metadata.

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -map_metadata 0 -c copy output.mp4

You can also remove specific metadata by using -metadata flag

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -metadata title= -metadata artist= -c copy output.mp4

This command will remove title and artist metadata from the video. how to strip from all known video formats which are compatible with ffmpeg all metadata To strip metadata from all known video formats that are compatible with ffmpeg, you can use a wildcard in the input file name and a loop to process all files in a directory. Here's an example of how you can do this using a Windows command prompt:

for %f in (*.mp4, *.mkv, *.avi, *.wmv) do ffmpeg -i "%f" -map_metadata -1 -c copy "output_%f"

This command will loop through all files in the current directory with the extensions .mp4, .mkv, .avi, and .wmv, and use ffmpeg to strip all metadata from the input file and save the output as “output_filename.extension” On Linux/macOS:

for f in *.mp4 *.mkv *.avi *.wmv; do ffmpeg -i "$f" -map_metadata -1 -c copy "output_$f"; done

Note that this command will not overwrite the original files, it will create new files with “output” prefix. Also, this command uses the -1 option to remove all metadata. If you want to keep some metadata, you can use -mapmetadata 0 instead. would you further improve this? Sure, here's an improved version of the command that uses a function to check the compatibility of the files with ffmpeg and also allows you to specify the input and output directory:

function strip_metadata {
    # check if ffmpeg is installed
    if ! command -v ffmpeg >/dev/null 2>&1; then
        echo "ffmpeg is not installed. Please install ffmpeg and try again."
        return 1

    # check if input and output directories are provided
    if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then
        echo "Usage: strip_metadata <input_directory> <output_directory>"
        return 1

    # check if input and output directories exist
    if [ ! -d "$1" ] || [ ! -d "$2" ]; then
        echo "Error: input or output directory does not exist."
        return 1

    # loop through all files in the input directory
    for file in "$1"/*; do
        # check if the file is a compatible video format
        if ffmpeg -i "$file" &> /dev/null; then
            # strip metadata and save the output to the output directory
            ffmpeg -i "$file" -map_metadata -1 -c copy "$2/output_$filename"
            echo "$file is not a compatible video format or ffmpeg can't read it"

You can use this function by calling

strip_metadata <input_directory> <output_directory>

This function checks if ffmpeg is installed, check if the input and output directories are provided and exist, and then loops through all files in the input directory. It checks if the file is a compatible video format by running ffmpeg on the file with the -i option and redirecting the output to /dev/null. If it is a compatible format, it will use ffmpeg to strip the metadata and save the output to the output directory with the “output_” prefix. It will also print a message if a file is not a compatible video format or ffmpeg can't read it.

Here's an improved version of the function that allows you to specify the file extensions to process and has better error handling:

function strip_metadata {
    # check if ffmpeg is installed
    if ! command -v ffmpeg >/dev/null 2>&1; then
        echo "Error: ffmpeg is not installed. Please install ffmpeg and try again."
        return 1

    # check if input and output directories are provided
    if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then
        echo "Error: Please provide the input and output directories"
        echo "Usage: strip_metadata <input_directory> <output_directory> [file_extensions]"
        return 1

    # check if input and output directories exist
    if [ ! -d "$1" ] || [ ! -d "$2" ]; then
        echo "Error: input or output directory does not exist."
        return 1

    # set file extensions to process
    if [ "$#" -eq 3 ]; then
        file_extensions="mp4 mkv avi wmv"

    # loop through all files in the input directory
    for file in "$1"/*; do
        # check if the file is a compatible video format
        if echo $file_extensions | grep -q $extension; then
            # strip metadata and save the output to the output directory
            ffmpeg -i "$file" -map_metadata -1 -c copy "$2/output_$filename"
            echo "Skipping $file : Not a compatible file format"

This function now allows you to specify the file extensions to process as an optional third argument to the function. If no file extensions are provided, it will default to processing files with the extensions .mp4, .mkv, .avi, and .wmv. It also has better error handling and provides clear error messages and usage instructions. It also will print a message if a file is not a compatible video format or the extension does not match with the one specified in the function call.

The provided is a bash script. It is designed to be run in a bash shell, and it uses syntax specific to bash such as the for loop and the if statement. This function can be placed in a bash script file and executed via the command line or it can be pasted and run in a bash shell or terminal. You can save this function in a file with .sh extension and make it executable by running chmod +x then you can run the script with ./ arguments.

Please note that the function I provided is intended to be used on a Unix-like operating system, such as Linux or macOS. It may not work correctly on Windows without modification.

Updated version of the script that includes the shebang and can be executed directly:

function strip_metadata {
    # check if ffmpeg is installed
    if ! command -v ffmpeg >/dev/null 2>&1; then
        echo "Error: ffmpeg is not installed. Please install ffmpeg and try again."
        return 1

    # check if input and output directories are provided
    if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then
        echo "Error: Please provide the input and output directories"
        echo "Usage: $0 <input_directory> <output_directory> [file_extensions]"
        return 1

    # check if input and output directories exist
    if [ ! -d "$1" ] || [ ! -d "$2" ]; then
        echo "Error: input or output directory does not exist."
        return 1

    # set file extensions to process
    if [ "$#" -eq 3 ]; then
        file_extensions="mp4 mkv avi wmv"

    # loop through all files in the input directory
    for file in "$1"/*; do
        # check if the file is a compatible video format
        if echo $file_extensions | grep -q $extension; then
            # strip metadata and save the output to the output directory
            ffmpeg -i "$file" -map_metadata -1 -c copy "$2/output_$filename"
            echo "Skipping $file : Not a compatible file format"

strip_metadata "$@"

This script includes the shebang #!/bin/bash at the top, which specifies that the script should be run using the bash interpreter. This allows the script to be executed directly by running the command ./ inputdirectory outputdirectory without the need to specify the interpreter. You should make the script executable by running chmod +x before running it You can also pass the file_extensions as an optional third argument to the script. Please make sure that you save the script file with .sh file extension and in a directory that is in your system's PATH.

how to run this script in the local folder You can run the script in the local folder using the following steps:

Make the script executable by running chmod +x in the terminal or command prompt, in the same directory where your script is located.

Then you can run the script by typing ./ followed by the input and output directories and any optional arguments like file extensions. For example, if the script name is “”, you can run it as follows:

./ input_folder output_folder file_extensions

Once you run the command, the script will execute and process all the files in the input directory that have the specified file extensions, stripping their metadata and saving the output to the output directory with the “output_” prefix.

It's also possible to run the script by providing the full path to the script file instead of just the script name if you are in a different directory.

If you have any issues running the script, you can check if the file has the execution permission by running ls -l and check if the first column has x letter. If it doesn't have it, that means you don't have permission to execute the file.

Please note that the script will not overwrite the original files, it will create new files with “output” prefix. Also, this command uses the -1 option to remove all metadata. If you want to keep some metadata, you can use -mapmetadata 0 instead.


Source for the second method:

A good source for further reading:

If you want to have the full experience of your VirtualBox, follow these steps.

This goes into your Linux host system

sudo adduser $USER vboxusers

After that, you have to log out/login or reboot the system

This goes into your Linux guest system And also install the guest additions into your guest system

sudo usermod -a -G vboxsf "$USER"

Don't forget to install the extension pack into the host system. And control that your extensions pack version is compatible with your installed version.

VBoxManage list usbhost

If you see here an out, everything is alright


You have to install this acording to your system:

convert myfigure.png -resize 200x100 myfigure.jpg


convert -resize 50% myfigure.png myfigure.jpg

To resize multiple files, you can try the following command (as suggested by @test30)

find . -maxdepth 1 -iname "*.jpg" | xargs -L1 -I{} convert -resize 30% "{}" _resized/"{}"


How to change images from one format to another

You have to install this acording to your system:

mogrify -format  tif *.PNG

With this command you can change all .PNG's in a folder from .png to tif. Be cautious .PNG =/= .png Linux/Unix systems are key sensitive.

Install the zbarimg command line application by running:

sudo apt-get install zbar-tools

Use the program, zbarimg provided by the package to read your QR encoded image


from command line:

 zbarimg "image-file-name.jpg"

The above will display what is encoded in the image in the terminal.

IF you would like to generate QR code you can install qrencode from the repositories.

 < input.txt qrencode -s 10 -o test.png

The above will encode the information in the input.txt file in an image file called test.png.

or you can input text from the console with;

qrencode -s 10 -o ubuntu.png

The above will generate a QR encoded image called ubuntu.png with the url encoded in it.


Further reading for qrencode eaxmples