fckaf.de ist ein URL Shorter. Fütter diesen mit einer Web-Adresse, und du erhälst eine Kurz-URL.
Einfach Geil! Fettes Danke an Tobi <3 <3 <3
a zone for no one and everyone :) Btw this blog is only for adults! Dieser Blog ist nur für Erwachsene!
fckaf.de ist ein URL Shorter. Fütter diesen mit einer Web-Adresse, und du erhälst eine Kurz-URL.
Einfach Geil! Fettes Danke an Tobi <3 <3 <3
“For all sorts of programming and software documentation, APIs, and help information”
If you try to boot a USB with a custom ISO created using Cubic on an EFI system, you encounter an error similar to the following error,Credits):
isohybrid: Warning: more than 1024 cylinders: 2215 isohybrid: Not all BIOSes will be able to boot this device
You need to install syslinux-utils (we need isohybrid Commands in this package):
sudo apt install syslinux-utils
Then use the following command:
sudo isohybrid /path/to/custom_iso.iso
Replace /path/to/custom_iso.iso ISO path generated with Cubic. You can now create a bootable USB from this ISO, and the USB should be usable on EFI systems. You still need to use a host system using EFI to create a custom Ubuntu or Linux Mint ISO with EFI support! You may also need to read the following:
bootiso: easily boot the ISO to a USB drive from the command line Groot simplifies the process of entering Chroot in any Linux distribution
Was macht einen tollen Vortrag, einen tollen Workshop, eine tolle Vorlesung aus? Klar ein[e] fesselnde[r] und motivierende[r] Dozent[in]. Aber mindestens genauso wichtig sind auch gut aussehende Materialien und Präsentationen[…]
Deutsche Briefvorlage für Umschläge mit Sichtfenster entsprechend DIN lang (DL) German Letter-Template for envelopes DIN lang (long) (DL)
Quelle: https://extensions.libreoffice.org/en/extensions/show/briefvorlage-din-lang-dl
Edit this file /etc/default/keyboard
Open as sudo or root this file with vim
# vim /etc/default/keyboard
Then for example the 'en' to this
Further reading:
If a stuck pixel occurs on your LCD or OLED display, there might be still a chance to somewhat unstuck that. But if the pixel is really dead i.e. has a hardware failure, there isn't anything you can do.
Here is an good software to determine if your pixel is stuck or dead.
On older Ubuntu systems there was a program called LCDNurse it seems that this project is gone for good :(
But there is still hope, there is a neat web application called jscreenfix
You could try this tool, begin with 10 minutes and hope for the best if this fails. You can go for 15 minutes. If this also fails, you could go for 8 hours. I know, sounds like a little overkill. But who knows ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Good luck. :)
Further reading:
https://www.jscreenfix.com/ https://www.whitescreen.org/ an alternativ to this jscreenfix
http://www.lagom.nl/lcd-test/ A good resource for LCD test images http://www.lagom.nl/lcd-test/all_tests.php#angle_red