
a zone for no one and everyone :) Btw this blog is only for adults! Dieser Blog ist nur für Erwachsene!

Data degradation is the gradual corruption of computer data due to an accumulation of non-critical failures in a data storage device. The phenomenon is also known as data decay, data rot or bit rot[…]


On Linux, using a btrfs partition plus a raid 1 for example with Borg backup is a nice, economical way to prevent this.

Timeshift also works with btrfs


Data rot cannot be avoided through incremental backups because once it happens you can only backup the rotten copy. RAID can protect you. But regular users rarely use RAID.

Few of the most advanced filesystems do take care of this using integrity checking and self-repairing algorithms – btrfs and ReFS. Btrfs is from Linux and can be used on desktops as a general purpose filesystem. ReFS, on the other hand, is applicable to Windows Server platforms. A older filesystem (still in use) with such capabilities is ZFS.


Further reading

And never ever forget that raids are not backups after you've implemented your raid 1 or whatever with btrfs to prevent data rot.

This rule still applies Quote

[…]the 3-2-1 rule is a good practice. 3 copies of your data, 2 local and 1 offsite.

Further reading

Further reading regarding raid

In my life as a support monkey, I've come around a lot of block devices and also USB sticks. It is always a great pleasure to work with a piece of hardware which has hardware issues, not.

And I've always tried to find a way how to determine if the particular piece I'm working with is ok or not. Due to the nature of immense production of this particular hardware. And the attitude of the manufactures like we don't give an f… The levels of frustration are too big to waste my valuable life time with this cr*p

Thx to the ventoy folks, they've documented sweet ways to determine if a stick has an issue or not

Sticks which are aight

Sticks which ain't aight

Quote from the Ventoy page

However, if the specific manufacturer name is not displayed in the red boxes like the above, you must be careful. It may be fake or faulty. I have received many reports about fake USB sticks like this especially thoes with name Generic xxx.[…]

This jolly folks have also included nice references for programs which can determine if a stick is faulty or fraudulent

ChipGenius by hit00 URWTEST H2testw The opportunity of using H2testw via Wine or similar tools is possible :)

f3 – Fight Flash Fraud

In Mac Systems, one can use via be preinstalled) brew install f3 from the terminal to install, f3



If your flash isn't fraudulent (or you've run f3fix to “fix” it) but you're still seeing some sporadic data corruption, then you may have “flaky flash.” If your flash is formatted using the FAT file system, then you can use Flakyflash to find the flaky data clusters and mark them as bad in the FAT. This may allow you to get a little more use out of your flash, but you should still consider it as failing and replace it ASAP[…]


sudo apt-get install testdisk


sudo testdisk

sudo testdisk /pfad/zum/image.img

Offizielle Testdisk Doku

Ur Referenz:

Festplatten Problembehebung


Schreiben auf deutscher Tastatur mit US-Zeichensatz

Die folgende Übersicht soll Ihnen helfen, wenn Sie vor einer deutschen Tastatur sitzen und mit dem US-englischen Zeichensatz schreiben. Sie zeigt die Tasten und Tastenkombinationen für Buchstaben und Sonderzeichen, deren Positionen von der deutschen Tastatur abweichen[…]

Sorry I think the creator disabled the video :/

Manchmal kann es vorkommen, dass die Bootpartition voll läuft. Hier gibt es einige Hinweise.

To list all installed kernels, run:

dpkg -l linux-image-\* | grep ^ii

One command to show all kernels and headers that can be removed, excluding the current running kernel:

kernelver=$(uname -r | sed -r 's/-[a-z]+//')
dpkg -l linux-{image,headers}-"[0-9]*" | awk '/ii/{print $2}' | grep -ve $kernelver

So, after upgrading kernels and rebooting to test it, you can remove all other kernels with:

sudo apt-get purge $(dpkg -l linux-{image,headers}-"[0-9]*" | awk '/ii/{print $2}' | grep -ve "$(uname -r | sed -r 's/-[a-z]+//')")

An email alias is simply a forwarding email address. The term alias expansion is sometimes used to indicate a specific mode of email forwarding, thereby implying a more generic meaning of the term email alias as an address that is forwarded in a simplistic fashion[…]


Fallback reference:

E-mail aliasing is a technique to obfuscate your e-mail from malicious actors.

Your e-mails are sent to one of the aliasing services and are then forwarded to your proper e-mail address if one of those actor are sending spam deactivate the service and e voilà your inbox aren't spammed anymore.

Can also create E-mail aliases

Ever heard an awesome song where you don't know the name of? Fear no more, whenever you hear an awesome song, just use this app to identify the artist and the name of the song.

I use it a lot