How to generate QR Code for Wifi network from Linux Terminal

To create a QR code for a WiFi SSID on Linux terminal, you can use the qrencode tool. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Install qrencode using the command sudo apt install qrencode.
  2. Prepare the WiFi information using the following format: WIFI:S:{SSID name of your network};T:{security type - WPA or WEP};P:{the network password};;. For example, if your WiFi SSID is “mysecurewifi”, it is using WPA, and the password is “mysecurewifipassword”, the format would be WIFI:S:mysecurewifi;T:WPA;P:mysecurewifipassword;;.
  3. Generate the QR code image file using the command qrencode -o mywifi.png 'WIFI:S:mysecurewifi;T:WPA;P:mysecurewifipassword;;'. If the generated image is too small, you can increase the size of the dot pixel using the -s option, for example: qrencode -o mywifi.png -s 10 'WIFI:S:mysecurewifi;T:WPA;P:mysecurewifipassword;;'.

You can then share the file with anyone or print it for people who would like to use your WiFi[2].

Citations: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]