DDC/CI control
“DDCcontrol is a software used to control monitor parameters, like brightness, contrast, RGB color levels and others.
DDCcontrol consists of:
ddccontrol – command-line tool for monitor parameters control gddccontrol – GUI tool for monitor parameters control”
DDCcontrol is an open source utility which allows controlling monitor parameters such as brightness, contrast, RGB color levels and others via software.
It consists of two components: ddccontrol, a command-line tool for monitor parameters control, and gddccontrol, a graphical utility for monitor configuration.
DDCcontrol can be installed from official distribution repositories on Ubuntu 22.04 by using the command
sudo apt install ddccontrol gddccontrol ddccontrol-db i2c-tools
After installation, users may need to restart their systems in order to properly use the feature.
For manual installation of the latest version of DDCcontrol, users need to install build dependencies such as intltool
, i2c-tools
, libxml2-dev
, libpci-dev
, libgtk2.0-dev
and liblzma-dev
according to their systems.
Then they need to clone, build and install the built version by running the commands git clone https://github.com/ddccontrol/ddccontrol.git
, ./autogen.sh
and ./configure
. Monitor database is also required for proper functionality. Once installed, users can use either gddccontrol or ddccontrol to control monitor parameters.
If they want to use gddccontrol, they need to add the user to the i2c group by running the command sudo adduser $USER i2c
. Then they need to run sudo /bin/sh -c 'echo i2c-dev >> /etc/modules'
to enable the support for I2C devices.
With ddccontrol, users can use the command sudo ddccontrol -p
to probe I2C devices to find monitor buses.
DDCcontrol is released under the terms of GNU General Public License v2 and the project homepage can be found at
http://ddccontrol.sourceforge.net/. The program is documented fully in /usr/share/doc/ddccontrol/html/index.html, and the github page of the project is at https://github.com/ddccontrol/ddccontrol. Citations : 1. https://github.com/ddccontrol/ddccontrol-db 2. https://www.ubuntuupdates.org/gddccontrol 3. https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/man1/ddccontrol.1.html 4. https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/man1/ddcc ontrol.1.html#:~:text=ddccontrol%20is%20an%20open%20source,controlling%20monitor%20parameters%20via%20software. 5. https://github.com/ddccontrol/ddccontrol 6. https://ddccontrol.sourceforge.net/